Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who's hungry?

Look at what I made! It was a spring break project that I started about a month ago, and just finished a few days ago. Doesn't it just make your mouth water?
I found the pattern in an old painting book of my mom's, and I really wanted to make it. So, here's how it turned out.
And, for all those artsy people out there, here's a really cool art website. I go on here often, just for inspiration. It used to be a tv show, I think, but it's really cool to wander around in.
Gotta Go, Emily 8>


  1. Em, you are quite the painter and should be proud! This project is amazing... and ALMOST big enough for Dad to eat!

  2. Wow! What a cook. When`s dinner?????
    Hugs, Nanny

  3. Awesome project! It kinda looked real at first glance! Lol.

    I have a surprise for you on my blog...

    Love, Joy


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